Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Has it really been since 2008 since I last "blogged"? I've heard blogs are becoming a thing of the past because of Facebook & Twitter. I guess that means it must be time for me to start bloggin more!
And oh yeah - wanna be my fan on Facebook?

There's a badge on the right side.
THANKS for the heads up Lyn!


lyn said...

Ha ~ I just noticed a post here on your blog! My goodness!! Welcome home :^)
And YEP, sure has been that long ~ a super slack attack...LOL.
BTW..Your links to FB aren't working properly, one takes you to our main feed page and the other one seems to be busted :^(
p.s. ~ you should network this blog on FB too...

Mary said...

I think blogs are becoming a thing of that past, But there is still a core group of people who prefer them:)

Angie Simonsen said...

Lyn, I STILL haven't figured out how to link the blog to FB, so I just post the link. How very old fashioned of me!

Mary, since I became a Pinterest junkie, I've been spending a LOT more time on blogs. I like them, except for the ones that have music...

lyn said...

Hey Ang, go to your WW page and click on the "edit page" bizzo up the top, then on the LHS there's a bit that says "apps" click that and it should come up with a list of stuff including Networked Blogs. That's the one to click on and then follow whatever it says to do and your blog will publish to your page :^)
We'll drag you into this century yet!!! LOL.